I would like to be able to import/export playlists to/from Nightingale. I would like to know what formats are supported (pls, m3u, ...) and how to perform the import/export commands.
Just installed 1.11.0a, Build 2214 (20120220143044). It looks really solid seems to have improved a lot of basic library functions. Keep up the good work!
Is there any way to import all the meta-data from an existing Songbird library? Things like play count, date added, rating, etc of all my songs.
If there is no way to do this then I'm going to write a utility that copies the data from the Songbird database(s) but I wanted to check to make sure there isn't an easier way. Seems like it should just be a standard feature since the databases are so similar.
i just tried to export to iTunes, 'cause of my iPod Nano (hope the add-on or something similar will get finished soon), but nothing seem to happen.
The i tried it in songbird with only one imported interpret (about 130 songs) and it was functioning. Then i imported the whole library (abut 9500 songs) and it was the same as in nightingale.
Is there a limitation or does it just take so long? Is there any possibility (terminal, console...) to see what is happening, or even if something is happening. A progress bar would be great, but not necessary.
Look, i can understand the ways to do a fork to linux from songbird , because you would like to work more on this project to focus on it, ok...
but, builds nightningale to mac, and windows.
Sorry, but you are doing a redundant
(look, consider my comment, i'm not doing a "troll" but do a question to all to rethink our future, I am one of the most active translators in songbird to portuguese BR http://translate.songbirdnest.com/langua...R?id=pt-BR )
You could do something that would be a more Censat forks ONLY LINUX
look i think you wasting ammo building all the os
other thinks, you've not adapted the recomended addons that are official on songbird like "cd rip" , "lastafm audio scrobbler" and "concersts" like you can see http://developer.songbirdnest.com/builds...st/addons/
I thought nightingale ,the fork of songbird, would be something that is not iceweasel to firefox , building only sofware to linux...
fork a project but to focus on linux
it is good that does not appear as direct competitor but as a means of partnerships ...
anyway, for what is decided, or maintained, I wish the team a great job
sign here of the main translator for the songbird protugues of Brazil
Erik Ch
I have a heavily modified version of the Raven (Night) that I would like to port to Nightingale. I have tried to repackage the Songbird theme (replacing every instance of "songbird" with "nightingale" in the install.rdf, changing the addresses, using SimplyBlack's chrome.manifest, etc) with no luck. When I try to install it, it gives me this error message:
Nightingale could not install the file at
because: Install script not found
I have also tried replacing all of SimplyBlack's images, but I was dissatisfied with that.
How should I be approaching this?
EDIT: Here is a screenshot of the feather, if anyone is interested. I apologize for the ridiculous resolution.