Hello, is it possible to share the preferences folder between several clients? I have smb share with music, hosted on a Linux server, and want to have a music player/client that plays from smb. Today I use iTunes, but I have some troubles, plus it don't support FLAC. I have a Mac and Windows machine.
My goal is that the Mac and Windows both share the same music (smb, organized with for example Picard) and share the same playlists, player plugins, etc.
Hi, i've reinstalled windows 7 with keeping in backup all the other windows. I've tried to recover data from my old installation of nightingale and i'm unable to do so.
I've tried copying nightingale file over my new installation and still doesn't get back my old playlists. I've tried to copy the profile file found in my backup In system/user/michel/local settings/nightingale" and replace it in "system/user/michel/local settings/nightingale" and it didn't changed anythings.
ilikenwf proposed to look for alternatives to SourceForge, due to the recent Windows-adware-installer-wrappers from SourceForge (which, really, are old news). Me and rsjtdrjgfuzkfg thought about alternatives yesterday around the time the dev-meeting would've happened, if anybody bothered to properly organize it (oops). We both agreed, that GitHub would be good for releases and betas. However the GitHub releases model isn't suited for nightlies and random test builds. I found http://code.fosshub.com/, which would let us dump files (up to 100MB per file). There is no folder structure or similar, but who cares, it's just nightlies and testbuilds. If we'd want to have a nightly builds page with direct downloads in the future (as the current new version of the website has) we'd have to look into it with the Fosshub guys. Further they don't have a proper SSL certificate for code.fosshub.com and reuse the cert from http://www.fosshub.com. That's about all the issues I've seen or heard about so far.
What do you think about fosshub? Or do you know of a better alternative?
Sorry I couldn't find the answer to this quetion or in the forum nor in the wiki...
Is there a way to "auto-mix" tracks in nightingale? I mean, the next song in the play queue stats playing a few (at the best a configurable number of) seconds before the current song ends. And during this time both files are played simultaneously.